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This game was made in 8 weeks by a team of 7:
Yasmin van Rooijen - 3D Character artist


Caspar Gelderman - Game developer



 Levi Vermaning - Level design

                               UI design

                               Mocap actor

 Kris de Haas - 2D Character concept art

                           UI design

                           Post Processing

                           Mocap actor

Xander Stuivenberg - 3D Enviroment artist

Ravi Bechoe  - Game developer


Mees van Tilburg - Sound designer (the music man)

Player character - click for more in-depth progress

Player icons 

Alive (left) and Dead (right)

Ghost icons 

Alive (left) and Dead (right)

Player health bar

Boss health bar

In-game UI mock-ups

Boss Enemy concept art, done with photoboashing and painted over it.

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